What is "Gold Filled"?

What is "Gold Filled"?

Gold dipped metal, also known as gold filled, is the best alternative to solid gold, and that's why we use gold dipped metals in our jewelry designs. Our gold dipped jewelry components have 150-200 layers of pure solid gold over a base metal. The 14K gold overlay is 10% of the overall weight of the material.

Unlike gold- plated metals, our gold withstands the test of time; it will not tarnish or wear off. It's great for sensitive skin because it has a high gold content and contains no nickel or other irritating alloys.

There is so much "gold plated" handmade jewelry on the internet. And that's OK!  Just make sure you know what you are paying for. If you want a piece of jewelry that will withstand the test of time, without paying $1800/ounce, gold FILLED is the way to go. Also, make sure you are NOT paying top dollar for a piece of jewelry that is gold-plated. It may look shiny and pretty when you buy it, but it will not stay that way if you wear it a lot!

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Studio and Gift Shop News | Beatrixbell Handcrafted Jewelry

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